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On-demand-transport for cultural outings in urban areas, a new use case being tested in brussels

Padam Mobility News






The Adamo project allows residents of the eastern and southern parts of the Brussels Region to travel by Demand-Responsive Transport (DRT) to the Théâtre Royal de La Monnaie for cultural outings, thus offering an additional alternative to the use of private cars.

Reducing the use of private cars for cultural events thanks to DRT

The carbon assessment carried out by the Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie revealed that a significant lever for reducing its emissions lies in the transportation of its audience. Moreover, road congestion, the late finishing time of shows, the sometimes long distances, and the absence of alternatives considered to be reliable have also led the theatre to experiment with Transport on Demand.

A DRT solution co-constructed and orchestrated by Espace Mobilité

Named “Adamo” for Adagio – Mobility, the initiative is also a reference to Salvatore Adamo, an Italian-Belgian singer. The Adamo project is the result of a long collaboration between Padam Mobility’s Transport Consulting team, with the help of Espaces-Mobilités, an independent consultancy firm specialising in the management of public space and mobility, and HUSK, a transport company. The Federal Government’s Department of Mobility and Transport is currently covering the costs. Adamo aims, among other things, to evaluate the effectiveness of Dynamic Demand Transport for the cultural sector.

Adamo’s objective is to encourage people who come to the show by car, who have difficulty arriving on time or returning home late at night, or who prefer the comfort and punctuality of a shuttle. By grouping the trips, Adamo also aims to be more efficient than a simple taxi.” 

Guillaume Servonnat, Project Manager at Espaces Mobilités.

Prospects for the future of mobility in the cultural sector

The operation aims to promote new mobility practices, with the objective of being complementary to public transport while being more attractive and comfortable than the private car.

Serving a dozen communes in the Brussels Region, the service has been available since 28 October. Theatre visitors who use the transport service are rewarded with a drink at the opera bar. For the period November-December 2022, Adamo is only available to the inhabitants of the East and South of the Brussels Region and its immediate surroundings. An extension of the zone will be examined from 2023 onwards. Adamo is flexible and can operate between one and five vehicles, but can request up to fifteen drivers if necessary. Reservations can be made in advance up to 24 hours before the shows.

Why should Transport on Demand be used to serve cultural venues?

Ce nouveau cas d’usage du Transport à la Demande pour Padam Mobility fait d’ores et déjà émerger des bénéfices concrets. Il permet au public de se dispenser des bouchons aux abords des lieux de culture en lui proposant de se passer de son véhicule personnel. Côté organisations, on espère réduire significativement les bilans carbones grâce à cette initiative, tout en soulageant les réseaux de transport public, que ce soit en heure pleine ou en heure creuse.  

How does Transport on Demand by Padam Mobility work?

As a leader in shared mobility, Padam Mobility meets the objectives of improving transport services in sparsely populated areas and gives all users greater freedom of movement. The company develops dynamic and intelligent Transport on Demand solutions based on artificial intelligence.

  • Users book their journeys in real-time or in advance via an app, a website or a call centre.
  • Drivers follow the progress of their optimised itinerary according to the bookings.
  • Through a dedicated management interface, transport operators supervise operations and collect the data needed to continuously improve the service.


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