DRT + MaaS

Offering a service from Demand-Responsive Transport Padam Mobility means proposing a solution that can be perfectly integrated into a mobility service offer

Offering an on-demand service that is 100% integrated into the ecosystem

MaaS (Mobility as a Service) has its place in peri-urban or rural areas with Demand-Repsonsive Transport. Users can thus integrate DRT into their itineraries, to reach the city centres and their structuring transport networks.

Padam Mobility DRT solutions anticipate in their design the specificities necessary for an easy integration with any existing or developing Maas platform via API: data, traveler information, ticketing, fare integration.

Proposing a complementary offer
Thinking about MaaS outside the city

Designing MaaS outside the cities is not only necessary, it is urgent.

12% of sensitive urban areas are not served by any mode of transport*. One French person in four has refused a job or training because of mobility problems. One French person in three has mobility problems and is threatened with social exclusion. Thinking about MaaS outside of cities is not only necessary. It is urgent.

The solutions of Demand-Responsive Transport Padam Mobility are facilitators of a serviced mobility. For shared, sustainable and inclusive travel.

* Barometer of Daily Mobility 2020Nicolas Hulot Foundation, 2021

The blog of Padam Mobility

To go further

Read our white paper on DRT as part of MaaS


"The Padam Mobility solutions have been designed to be compatible with all governance models"

Xavier Boureau, Commercial Director,Padam mobility

Thibault Lécuyer-Weber,
CEO, Padam mobility

Big yellow

Padam Mobility

As a key player in shared mobility, Padam Mobility meets the objectives of rebalancing the transport offer in sparsely populated areas and allows all users to move around with more freedom. The company designs and develops dynamic and intelligent Demand-Responsive Transport solutions (DRT and Paratransit) based on artificial intelligence:

Users book their rides in real time or in advance via an application, a website or a call centre.

Drivers follow the evolution of their itinerary which is optimised according to bookings.

Thanks to a dedicated management interface, transport operators can supervise operations and collect the data needed to continuously improve the service.