A white paper to que
Different from the city centre approach, mobility in peri-urban and rural areas is a community matter, which digital tools must learn to take into account. This is the reason why we wanted to publish a white paper on the subject of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS). We aimed to offer a different approach to this recent concept and to increase awareness of the issues it could address in the most fragile territories.
Which meaning should be given to MaaS in peri-urban and rural areas? Reducing car use, networking and opening up territories, better distribution of resources, improving the user experience, especially for People with Reduced Mobility (PRM): our publication attempts to provide some of the keys to understanding the objectives that MaaS could achieve in low-density areas.
Between private, public or hybrid MaaS, the challenge of creating a MaaS platform lies more in its governance than in the existing technology. We looked at the different relationships between the multiple stakeholders in public transport within the MaaS ecosystem: Public Transport Authorities, Transport Operators, private players (developers, digital solution providers, etc.). We wanted to explore the different modes of governance that have emerged since the concept of MaaS appeared and their responses to the economic, social and environmental challenges of the territories. Finally, crossed views with our technological partner Kisio Digital allowed us to explore the issue of cooperation and the pooling of resources for the design of a MaaS “in good intelligence”.
The objective of Mobility-as-a-Service – in the most simplified way – is to integrate on a single digital platform all the mobility offers available on a territory. In remote areas, MaaS can thus offer relevant and personalised alternatives to the use of the private car. Dynamic Demand-Responsive Transport is an example of an alternative mode of travel that can be easily incorporated and sometimes already integrated into an intermodal mobility offer. In our white paper, we present some examples of successful or ongoing integration of DRT into a intermodal initiative.
Integrating a mobility solution into a Mobility as a Service platform means integrating traveller information and, in the best case, a ticketing solution. To make these integrations possible, the implementation of data standards is essential. They also ensure the cohesion of the different mobility operators on the same platform. In 2019, the dynamic DRT developed by Padam Mobility has been integrated into the trip planner of the Ilevia app in Lille, France. This experience led us to report on the different possible levels of integration of DRT in MaaS. We also wanted to propose a better understanding of the technical and financial obstacles these integrations can generate.
As a French company, committed to the development of digital solutions for on-demand public transport (DRT and paratransit), Padam Mobility positions itself in favor of a responsible MaaS, closer to peri-urban and rural territories that may be disadvantaged by an unequal mobility offer.
Our core business and our knowledge of territories where the demand for mobility is sparse, has led us to consider Mobility-as-a-Service outside urban centers. We have therefore focused our study on the best practices to follow and the levers to activate in order to bring a sustainable and inclusive MaaS in sparsely populated areas.
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