Ile-de-france mobili
Ile-de-France Mobilités (IDFM), the organising authority for all sustainable mobility in Ile de France, has assigned the setec-Padam Mobility group the set up of a regional DRT reservation and management plant. A dozen of Paris outer suburb towns will be covered in 2019, before a gradual extension to other areas within four years.
“I am committed to put in place solutions so that every Francilien can access to an efficient public transport wherever they live in Ile-de-France. Launching this new public DRT service provides an almost tailor-made response and with the guarantee of the same quality of service, for many inhabitants of Paris outer suburbs who have poor or no access to mobility. Valérie Pécresse, President of the Ile-de-France Region, President of Ile-de-France Mobilities.
A bespoke public transport service
In order to answer the needs of all the resident and thus adapt to the diversity of the territories, Ile-de-France Mobilités has undertaken the development of DRT mainly in outer suburbs. This solution is ideal to provide tailor-made response to people in the least dense areas in addition to regular modes such as bus lines or trains.
Unlike traditional bus routes, smaller vehicles adapt their routes and schedules to suit passenger requests. They do not follow regular routes but adapt itineraries according to bookings made by users of this service. These bookings can be made either by phone or from a dedicated app. When booking, the user will be able to follow the progress of his vehicle in real time until the arrival, on the dedicated app.
Regional quality of service
The creation of the regional DRT centre will enable users to experience a single and efficient service for all DRT networks in Ile-de-France, regardless of which operator is responsible for operating these services. The plant will be launched from the summer 2019 and tested until October with 3 DRTs (currently being defined). The service will be expanded on October and is expected to bring together 10 DRTs by the end of the year.
Setec its, a leading player digital mobility engeineering, and Padam Mobility, a tech company specialized on DRT, have combined their forces to implement this innovative service launched by Île-de-France Mobilités, taking over the largest market in Europe, with 2.8 million euros over 4 years.
“The selection of our technology by Île-de-France Mobilités marks a very structuring step in our development. This will highlights our technology abilities on a very large scale, probably one of the most important service in the world. We are thus becoming a key player in the management of DRT. “, says Grégoire Bonnat, Padam’s CEO and co-founder. “Thanks to this technology, DRT will expand in longer term: flexible school transport, care for mobility impaired people, etc. »
About Île-de-France Moblité Ile-de-France Mobilités (formerly STIF) creates, organises and finances public transport for all Ile-de-France residents. At the heart of Ile-de-France transport network, Ile-de-France Mobilités brings together all the players (passengers, elected officials, manufacturers, carriers, infrastructure managers, etc.), invests and innovates to improve the service provided to passengers, manages various projects to develop the networks and modernize all kind of transport. Chaired by Valérie Pécresse, President of the Ile-de-France Region, Ile-de-France Mobilités is composed of the Ile-de-France Region and the eight other Ile-de-France departments and thus supports the vision of all Ile-de-France transport (train, RER, metro, tramway, T Zen and bus)
About de setec its setec its is the subsidiary of the setec group dedicated to urban transport and mobility engineering. A multidisciplinary engineering group created in 1957, it provides services in the fields of Transport Infrastructure and Systems, Building, Energy, Industry, Environment, Regional Planning and Telecommunications & IS.
setec is involved throughout the entire project lifecycle: from the first technical and economic studies, to the implementation, maintenance and operation, in all their technical, environmental and economic aspects. With more than thirty human-sized subsidiaries specialized in each business line and with 100% of their share capital held by their engineers, the setec group is positioned to serve their customers, both close and independent.
About Padam Mobility, the DRT revolutionizing startup
Created in 2014 by three young engineers from the Ecole Polytechnique de Paris and Ponts & Chaussées, Padam Mobility uses artificial intelligence to transform the public transport organization and offer a dynamic DRT service tailored to the users’ needs. Padam Mobility’s software solutions help bus operators, both public and private, to optimize their vehicle fleets in real time with greater economic efficiency and a significantly improved experience for citizens. By envolving in the improvement of public transport services, Padam Mobility contributes to the development and attractiveness of all territories.
Already launched in Orléans, Lille, and internationally in Bristol and Padova, Padam Mobility aims for significant growth in 2019, in France and abroad, supported in particular by A Series fundraising campaign carried out in the autumn with Setec and Siemens Mobility.